Hello, my fellow Newground Friends! How have you been? Good I hope, because I sure have. Now that I've familiarized myself with my new college schedule, and work, I'm beginning to fit- back into my schedule- some time to work on flash games! I will continue to advance my skills with flash and improve artwork, programming, and music style.
I've created a new theme for my channel. This is a snapshot of my new "Ryan Isler" logo, I like how it turned out and will be using it from now until I create a newer version!
The projects I'm currently working on: Stone King 3, Super Metroid III, and an unnamed project (arcade) will all have this new animated logo at the beginning; These projects, along with new ideas I've put on the back burner, will be released 2014: I am looking forward to firing up my creative juices, and keeping them heated throughout the entire year of 2014. I've found new inspiration, as well as a new pathway for my career. I will be pursuing it vigilantly through practice. These practices will be the results of my work for Newgrounds, and other digital media platforms.
Seize the day.